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  #444 (permalink)  
Old February 1st, 2014
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Most likely it will be a BOT! There are BOTs that browse new hosts to the network to investigate their details. I have not been using the network much of late so don't know that one by psuedo name.
I think I hinted to you before about finding those who are or who have connected to you. MaOSX has Console which gives a big clue to all hosts connected to LW via its firewall activity stats of who it allows, listing their address, date & time.
I found most browser BOTs of the kind you suggested are either Japanese or have an ip address starting with 50.x.x.x
I normally add them to the LW blocklist when I've realised they are consistent as you suggested. They normally browse you within the first 5 mins of connecting. Some may browse robotically every 10-20 mins thereafter, but LPE does not show that (LW4 did.)
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