And again. I guess most are from USA. One from Europe. 9 out of 13 BS 5.1 Beta ultrapeers firewalled. Or should I say, 4 out of 13 not firewalled.
I've started to mark on my list those firewalled. Also made adjustments to the connection file for those needing a fresh connection file. Otherwise connecting to a firewalled peer initially will give your BS the idea it is UDP firewalled when it might not be after all. And it's pointless even attempting to connect to firewalled ultrapeers via UDP when such messages will be blocked & thus all firewalled hosts are starting to be removed from the UDP connection list. It's a toss of the coin as to whether your BS sends test packets to a firewalled peer or non-firewalled peer. So I'm shifting the non-firewalled hosts to the top of the list. Yes it does make a difference, if BS thinks it is UDP firewalled, it slows connections down because it seems to communicate to others that it is firewalled when it might not really be. I hope that makes sense. ie: a firewalled ultrapeer affects those around it one way or another by blocking messages.
I did a test between two of my BearShares. One initially showed UDP firewalled, the other not. I was unable to connect them to each other. An hour later when BS rechecked & discovered it was not really UDP firewalled, I then had no problem getting them to connect to each other.
I can verify that when I connect to a non-firewalled BS peer first, my UDP port tests always seem to pass. Whereas if I connect to a firewalled BS peer they fail & need to wait an hour before it re-tests.
(Those underlined have less than 3 Leaves connected to them because they are firewalled. Most of them have zero Leaves. I feel sorry for any Leaves connected to a firewalled BS 5.1 beta ultrapeer.)
Edit: Here's a very sad ugly situation. 9 Firewalled BS 5.1 Beta ultrapeers. The only non-firewalled BearShares are the two BS Light versions which would not be able to become ultrapeers anyway if they were firewalled:
(this is very damaging to the network with so many firewalled ultrapeers. You will notice that the two BS Light versions have a high number of Leaves through the other peers they are connected to, meaning much better search results. This snapshot was taken from Win2K. I'd be thinking the first peer listed would probably get poor search results. 8 out of 9 of these BS 5.1Beta peers are from USA, the other from Europe.)
Firewalled Ultrapeers cannot utilize the UDP port & thus not function properly as an ultrapeer, & are restricted to limited TCP communications.
Let's hope the USA BearShare 5.1 Beta users can start to change this trend.
Yes, that means port forwarding the port BearShare is using (default port used is 6346) in your modem-router.