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Old May 10th, 2014
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Default Mac OSX version update to fix memory issue

WireShare has been released specifically for Mac OSX users to fix a memory issue. The program was not reading its memory settings properly (or at all) and with little doubt was probably using the default minimum java memory possible. WireShare fixes this issue.
Compared to LPE, WireShare's memory handling capability has been increased slightly.
Edit (12 May): WireShare enhances memory efficiency. Looks like LW forgot to use this. Which is probably why LW5/LPE was unreliable to use for multiple day sessions on OSX.

Extra note: a specific OSX 64-bit Java 7 capable WireShare will be worked upon in the coming month. Compatibility will be limited to intel machines with Lion or higher, and will only run with Java 7 (1.7) or higher. (Edit: we made it to work with Java 6 or higher, so compatibility still allows OSX 10.5/.6 Leopard & Snow Leopard users to use WS.)

If anybody finds any issues running WireShare, please report them to the forum so a solution can be worked through.
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