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  #6 (permalink)  
Old May 18th, 2002
Posts: n/a

I agree with Rhohl, how can the developers NOT know what they're working on or what's been finished. They have a TO-DO list which i saw once, and they cross things off of the list whenever it's done, so how hard would it be to convert that into a change log?
Also, treatid, you're working under the impression that "the developers" are one group. They're not. There's a group of 3-4 "official" limewire developers, but there's also tons of other individuals who participate and help code. The only way they can keep all this organized is with "good version control" so that work doesn't get reproduced & code can be checked. I know it's out there, they just have to make it available to the public, and as i've said before, there's no good reason why they don't.
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