Thread: *Having Fun yet
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Old May 28th, 2001
chr_rossi chr_rossi is offline
Join Date: March 9th, 2001
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chr_rossi is flying high
Default Re: Having Fun yet

Hallo Sephiroth:

[ talk to the people who bitch and complain about adware and encrypted packets.]
Even Vinnie himself admitted that he learned, and he said that he appreciated the feedback and took this as a possibility to improve the ways he tries to earn his money. Do you think the browser model would have evolved without all the critique from anxious users? I have criticised him sometimes before, and I have never done this in an insulting tone.

[I mean a few will try to **** be off my calling me a suck up and]
Let this accusation stay where it belongs: It originated in, neither here nor in zeropaid, as far as I know. This is also the cause why is read-only for me; for my taste there are way too many flamers. It is not my goal here to defend the guy/girl who did this, in fact I regarded this mutilation of your name as highly tasteless. Please see the 'other side' too: Some bearshare 'fans' were also much too eager to insult.

[The worst thing that could happen to the people complaining here is if Vinnie doesnt respond...]
Worse for whom? Do you really think this issues, justified or not, will be solved if you wrap them into dead silence?

[I mean how the people here make unrealistic and outragoues demands and constantly lie....]
Well. What should I say except: Do not take some for all. And, what is an outrageous demand? I have seen lots of postings from people who only _asked_ about these issues and were insulted in return. And, after all I think if the anxious questions would have been answered earlier and in a hmmm... more appropriate style many of the flame wars would not have ignited. Ok, maybe this is yesterday's snow, admitted.

Sephiroth, as you generalized, i did a little bit also. I always appreciated and respected your insult-free and constructive style of posting, and I hope you will stay so. But do not pour the child out with the bath*, and do distinguish between flamers and good-willing but anxious users.


*Very hard for me to translate german proverbs, but I hope you understand none the less ;)
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