We at Zero G are working with LimeWire's development team to identify and resolve these issues. We would like to see output from any one experiencing this issue. While we may not be able to directly contact all users experiencing this issue - we will post any resolution we might find to this forum, as well as making it available to the LimeWire team.
On Mac OS X, installation output for InstallAnywhere installers is gathered by opening console.app (you can use the finder to discover the location) when running the installer.
You can send any resulting output to mailto:EvalSupport@ZeroG.com. Please put ATTN:LimeWire in the subject line.
Thanks, and we hope to have this resolved as quickly as possible.
Drew Tappan
Technical Support Manager
Zero G Software, Inc.
514 Bryant Street
San Francisco CA 94107
The leading provider of multi-platform software deployment solutions.