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Old August 24th, 2014
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Originally Posted by GeX View Post
... I have installed Gtk-Gnutella 1.1.0 and as far I can see, it has connected in a second or less!!! It shows activity and it shows items when I search for keywords. ... There is a connected gray cable on the left bottom, and a violet plug icon on its right and the "" URL shown on the its right side. If I place the mouse pointer over the plug icon, it says: Port mapping configured though UPnP. I understand that it means that no port mapping is required in the router. Right?
That's good news that you can actually connect to the gnutella network using your MM and using UPnP. If that's the case then manual port mapping should not be required. (Sometimes there's another icon to say you are connected via DHT.) I haven't updated my GTK & the Dec./January release kept crashing after several minutes.

I'm quite stumped about your issue with gnutella java programs though and why WS has errors upon startup. Not sure what to suggest to try next.

Did you try a different MM account yet? This might not make a difference but possibly worth a try. A test account can always be deleted after it's no longer needed (to save space.)
It's my guess if you had an alternative startup drive on the computer things in that startup environment would be ok. But I wouldn't ask you to do that. It was easy for me because I have 4 internal drives & I use the alternate startup drive either for testing, maintenance or for emergencies, all of which have applied.

From memory, Java caches certain information but I'm not sure it's worth mucking around with it or it could potentially cause other problems.

Does Console have any report listings for WS? Console has sections of reports, such as crash reports, etc.

One thing I can think of is to enable WS's logging. I'll need to ask Bigjx if I need to recompile to set them on by default. Then these will be fed to the OSX Console as soon as the program opens. Alternatively, WS menu bar, Tools > Advanced Tools, select Console instead of Connections. I guess Enable all & Apply. Save the report. Upload a copy here. If the error windows prevent you doing this then that idea is out.

Another idea is to open WS via Terminal. And see if any errors show in either Terminal or Console (keep both utilities open.) Two approaches: one is for Terminal to launch the WS program package. Another approach is for Terminal to launch the WS executable within the MacOS folder of the program package. This latter one I used to use in testing & terminal would report any errors. Console's reports might be similar but include some other details.
In Terminal type/paste:
open -a
Although you have given a report, there might be something else that is applying. Terminal will normally list all actions or errors as they occur. Instead of a summary type of report.
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