You are right, whenever a native company is taken over by, bought out by or run by an American head company then quality of service goes down and dodgy practices (aka milking the customer) goes up.
And yes, little by little our freedom of choice is being diminished by "so-call" bigger companies swallowing up the smaller ones.
Take for example my list of ISPs, the bigger ones are just plain arrogant, they treat their customers like cattle, are doing you a favour by allowing you to use their network and think they have the absolute right to try and hack into your computer.
Of all the ISPs I have dealt with only Tesco.net is the one I would wholeheartedly recommend but by September 2015 they will cease to exist.
However, I would certainly NOT recommend any ISP that uses an Indian call centre, it just too fraught with hidden costs and security problems.
Finally, as you have noticed, ordinary guys like us are being turned into sheep, the services we use are being bought up so that we can be sheared. I wonder if our "so-called" political leaders will do something about this approaching debacle.
Mind you, they did nothing to avert the financial crises that hit us in 2008, they were too busy looking the other way.
UK Bob |