Thread: The GDF!
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Old December 23rd, 2015
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Originally Posted by arne_bab View Post
... Also current WebRTC technologies should even enable implementing Gnutella directly in the browser — with the connection times on the order of seconds, this would provide instant distributed search.
Many thanks for the feedback arne_bab.

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Win NT 5.1; Trident/4.0) used by multiple Trend Micro’s botnets I saw just this week downloading a file from me whilst using Phex.

I recall a browser-based client I tried out last decade (though there was no ability to add your own files to share, other than files already downloaded.) And I believe one of the original LimeWire devs created his own browser-based client. So the technology has been around, though obviously needs to be upgraded in gnutella technological abilities if that's possible with a browser based client. (?)
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