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Old October 28th, 2016
Joe Busuttil Joe Busuttil is offline
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Default Icon change in Photoshop

Have created a folder on desktop for a list of books typed out in WORD and, to my annoyance, the folder is saved as an icon with the Photoshop logo (emblem).

The folder will not open with Photoshop but only with WORD.

Although I changed the desktop icon marked with the Photoshop emblem to another icon of my choice, the computer persists in showing the Photosohp icon.

I used the following method to change the icon, but it did not work out well.

1. On desktop, I went to the START button.
2. I right-clicked on the Photoshop icon and I selected PROPERTIES.
3. In the shortcut tab, I clicked the CHANGE ICON BUTTON.
4. I chose one of the other available icons.
5. I clicked APPLY and OK.
6. The new icon will not pop up on desktop.

Please help, I am lost.

Many thanks in advance.

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