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Old February 1st, 2017
Joe Busuttil Joe Busuttil is offline
Join Date: January 14th, 2008
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Scrolling and Printing with FastStone Capture: success at last, after many hours of trial and error. Hereunder, the method I used to obtain a print on 4 pages of a scrolled text.

1. In the system tray, click on the icon just before the last (on the right
end of the tray) then check To FILE
2. Open yr text
3 Click on the arrow-down in the system tray.

3a. Left click anywhere to start scrolling.
3b. Hit Esc button on keybd to stop scrolling.

4. Go back to the first page where the scrolling started and use the Ctrl button to adjust the size of the page to make it easily readable on A4 ppr.
(Adjusting the size of the first page automatically applies to the other pages you had scrolled)

5. Go to FILE > PRINT

6. In dialog box that pops up, headed PRINT, check the wrd PAGES and insert the page numbers that you want to print, e.g. 1 to 4.

7. Click OK

I hope this method will prove helpful to anyone who has come across my problem and never managed to find that elusive solution.

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