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  #27 (permalink)  
Old January 8th, 2019
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According to that model is not listed but the others appear similar to each other referring to the process as Virtual Server. Double-check the setting to be sure it includes both UDP and TCP or All (protocols.)

Have you checked the UPnP section in the router's control panel to be sure it's enabled? You can switch WSHR between either UPnP and Manual PF to see if either works to fix the firewalling issue.

Are you certain you set up a static address? the first three segments of the address need to match the router's address, but the last number must be different. In your case it looks like your present internal address is and the router's address is which looks fine. Without a static address, if there is more than one device on the LAN utilising the router, then each time you reboot your computer you can potentially get a different address and the port forward rule no longer works. Port forward rules are set to specific addresses.

Do you use any other 3rd party security software such as firewall or anything that might be affecting WSHR's performance? At least your WSHR can connect, but something is probably blocking the incoming UDP messages.
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