@Lord of the Rings
First, thank you for your immediate and helpful response.
I have been using WireShare since version (which was released on 2014-04-19) and for almost 5 years I have not had problems with connection. I usually start WireShare after I start my PC so it is always running. Some weeks ago I noticed that it failed to connect. I waited for some time to see whether the problem would disappear but it didn't. Before I posted this I had browsed through this forum and downloaded some LimeWire fixer- it turned out that it just extracted gnutella.net file to AppData. Last night I put that file to WireShare folder (AppData) but it did not help. So I followed your advice and downloaded a fresh copy of gnutella.net, copied it the WireShare folder in AppData but WireShare still cannot connect. Meanwhile I tested Shareaza and gtk-gnutella- they both were able to connect but after some time Shareaza lost Gnutella1 connection being connected only to Gnutella2. Is there anything else I should do to solve connectivity problems with WireShare? Any idea how to force Shareaza to connect to Gnutella1? All the time I see connecting status for Gnutella1.
It turned out that connection to Gnutella1 in Shareaza is shaky, sometimes it is lost, then the connection is restored. Edit
I disabled all Windows updates about a year ago. I also disabled my Antivirus and then started WireShare bit it failed to connect again. Off-topic 1
do you know whether WireShare and Shareaza have been abandoned for good just like Cabos, Gnucleus and Phex? Off-topic 2
For me the most solid and robust file sharing program I have ever used is eMule- for more than 9 years version 0.50a has been performing flawlessly- not a single crash, settings never lost, no connection problems. It is a pity that eMule has been abandoned.
Last edited by smaragdus; April 21st, 2019 at 03:33 PM.