I still need to read alittle to catch up some and see the over few of everything that is really happening. You know like time to wake up! He He.
It's really hard for someone with a family and kids screaming in the back ground all the time
Where is Morgwen? Havn't see him reply.
If I don't reply to you soon it's because, well to damn busy right this second. Need to read alittle more.
I see a game here with all the clients it seems, I think its really time that we all just get along and share our @sses off before, if forbid like Napster happens here. Don't worry about greed/money or who is making the most, give the people what they what and you will see a new light
of course when your not just thinking about money.. Just my IMO He he.
Oh and everything happens for a reason LOL It's true, just go with the flow and have faith.