Originally Posted by zlatinb ... 0.5.0 is live on the site. I think you'll like the new shared files interface  |
Much better. Well done! I also like the volumes listing; applicable to me at least since I have a desktop with several volumes, one of which is specifically for music. (I prefer lossless audio for listening.)
Phex and I think BearShare used this style of shares listings.
I was able to clean up the share list a little after being able to see it properly.
This might be a big question, but how do we use the content filter?
I find myself unable to add a term in the content control panel. What's the trick to adding the term? Might be an OS or OSX version specific issue.
I found I was sharing Finder files such as .DS_Store which is a tell-tale of what platform a person is using. In some ways these files remove a small amount of anonymity. These could potentially be added to a built-in not-shared filter list of similar items for other platforms. They are OS specific and generally hidden files that serve no purpose outside of the specific OS and computer. IMHO these could be considered garbage files on a sharing network.
LPE used
LibraryUtils if I'm allowed to list this.

(I would have used a WSHR reference except I've noticed the WSHR code linked bookmarks sometimes die (30-40% of mine.))