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Old November 2nd, 2019
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Originally Posted by zlatinb View Post
I was able to reproduce this. The only thing that I changed for the Mac packaging was the Java version, so I switched back to 11 and now it works. I've updated the binary on the website, please download and try again.
Works now. Thanks.
Originally Posted by zlatinb View Post
I don't know how iTunes handles things, but it's important to mention that MW doesn't like when things change while they're shared. So if you need to rename, edit or delete a file you should un-share it from MW first.
I did unshare the folder listing first. Perhaps if I unshared each of the files first it might have made a difference. Just seemed easier to unshare the folder instead of a dozen or more files.

Originally Posted by zlatinb View Post
The comment system in MW exists exactly to alleviate the need for this. Any keywords you put in a comment will be searchable, so even if the file is named "song.flac", as long as it has the artist, album and song name in the comments others will be able to find it.
But is the comment system limited to only MW searches?

That inspires another question. What chances are there of my MW finding search results from other ip2 clients in other groupings/communities, etc. or vise versa? Example i2phex.

The Trust feature I find to be a difficult concept. How can I be certain a host is not a honey-pot investigator even if the files appear to be fine?
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