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Old November 4th, 2019
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Originally Posted by zlatinb View Post
0.5.6 is out. Notable features:
* When there is an update available, a message window with description of the update will popup
I've yet to see an update message. Unless I closed the message without thinking. But I have restarted the app over the past day. Edit: Another restart and no update message. I do wonder if this issue is osx specific. I've been uploading the 0.5.7 update parts so perhaps those on linux & windows have been receiving the update messages. I'm still on 0.5.6

Originally Posted by zlatinb View Post
The comment system in MW exists exactly to alleviate the need for this. Any keywords you put in a comment will be searchable, so even if the file is named "song.flac", as long as it has the artist, album and song name in the comments others will be able to find it.
Originally Posted by
’The sidecar files themselves are not shared, …’
But doesn’t this mean that potentially people (downloaders) will be sharing "song.flac" without support information and thus a little meaningless? People would need to guess what song of the same title and artist, etc. That is not only if they choose to share what they download but also to a smaller extent for themselves to recall what details existed if the file's ID tags were not particularly inclusive. I've previously seen poorly (or barely or non-existent) tagged files across networks and it can be annoying.

I guess that does bring in the Trust factor concept about the accuracy of sidecar files. But once in a while a person might also make an honest mistake.

Any possibility of adding interactivity with the uploads window?
Things like right-clicking with options such as view file information, find in library, find on disk, etc. This is particularly relevent if a shared file is simply "song.flac" and your library has multiple files of same song but different versions (such as live/studio/rehearsal, jam, etc.)

Probably due to the way uploads are listed via Java, the uploads listings are difficult to select for more than a second or two.
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