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Old May 20th, 2002
Phantomix Phantomix is offline
Join Date: May 15th, 2002
Posts: 4
Phantomix is flying high
Default Bearshare's Source Code

Hello and welcome, here it is, the one and only BearShare source code which I got from *VERY* secret sources, that means shhht don't tell it anybody or gnutella will become better than other p2p networks

10 REM BearShare code - not for the public
20 REM by VinnieSoft...ummm ok i call it FreePeers
30 REM
40 REM ok let's do some codings...
50 CLS
60 PRINT "BearShare 3.00"
70 REM this is the only line that has to be changed!!!!!!
80 REM Now let's see if there is some gnucleus on the PC
90 found% = SEARCH("gnucleus.exe")
100 REM If we found it, we can use it, otherwise we have to use the old version built into Bearshare
110 IF found%=TRUE THEN SHELL "gnucleus.exe"
120 REM Let's phone home
130 OPEN "Winsock" FOR phoning home AS #1
140 PRINT #1, User's Credit Card Number&
150 REM Check if the user wants to uninstall Bearshare and prevent this
160 IF UnInstall=True THEN SHELL "rundll.exe windowscrash"
170 REM And we also need to check if our SaveNow is installed
180 IF Exists%("SaveNow.exe")=FALSE Then SHELL "rundll.exe windowscrash"
190 REM Ok i'll now have a break for some months, maybe i'll fly to Hawaii or to Australia where the weather is fine
200 END

I hope you guys don't take this serious, it was a joke, i hope BS code doesn't look like this........
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