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Old March 29th, 2021
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Uh yeah that was an issue for LW 4.

With the Mac version skins installer (I put together) I have a note within the installer introduction:
Altogether there are 100 skins. The skins menu is limited by your monitor screen size. If you install too many, you will not be able to see all skins listed in the LW skins menu. Total possible viewable skins in the menu will range between 35 to 75. Recommended is a Custom intall.

Recommended to also preview the skins before installing. A button link below will take you to a website you can view sample images of the skins in this installer. If the first webpage fails, try the second.
Unfortunately I don't think the Windows installer (first one created by File_Girl71) was set to allow a custom install. Custom install was set as default for my installer.

Best advice is either:
- Try out the ones you can see, if you like then keep them. Else delete them. As you delete them, others further down the menu will show. (though you might need to restart LW to see changes.)

- View snapshots of the skins.

Unfortunately since creating my version of the skin installers in 2013, Photobucket changed their rules about how images can be used for free users. It also appears you need to log-in to see the images. So the link I provided in the installer is now of no use. I since changed to using imgur dot com instead of Photobucket.

Edit: In the end, if you notice any slow-downs, lagginess or you share a large number of files, then reduce the total of skins down to below 20. Too many skins can have a memory effect upon LW.
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