Thread: iTunes programs
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Old May 30th, 2024
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sleepybear91 sleepybear91 is offline
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Thanks my friend. I do have a backup with a Storite 100. Seems to be intact but cannot get it to transfer to other laptops hard drive. More hair pulling!!! I Lost its user manual and the company in UK will not write me back with a PDF.

I have several posts on that iTunes forum from last year still unanswered.

I have copied the exact same version 10.6.00 16 as on the older laptop, so I am hoping it will not act up on me. Too scared to try it yet.

I have about 5,000 files of Limewire and Wireshare dating back to 2006. But the other 5,000 are the problem. They are tracks off 33's and 45's that were never ever offered in digital. I transferred each one individually.
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