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Old October 19th, 2024
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sleepybear91 sleepybear91 is offline
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Join Date: October 30th, 2010
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sleepybear91 is flying high

OK, unfortunately I have been on quite a few flights since this was posted due to two deaths in the family one after one. I have found through my satellite tv group on the net that there is a very good independent app available for cell phones now called GPS Status. It takes up very little memory on your phone and is not connected to google or any tracking device or advertisement group. I can say I recommend it.
Since pilots no longer mention where they are now flying over anymore including the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone etc, it is nice to know where you are in the air. It also will tell you your elevation and the speed that your plane is traveling at.
I had to fly Delta, American, United and Eagle and they all said I could use it on the plane no problem. It works best near a window seat but still will work most of the time in an aisle seat.
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