Look, repeating "bearshare sux, it needs to go" over and over like a p2p mantra won't convince me. I am asking what BearShare does that hurts you, as a user of another client. I am asking for a good reason to want BearShare out of gnutella completely. Please, quite treating me like a bearshare brownoser ( I do NOT use it) and let me know why it is so bad for the network as a whole.
Morpheus brought in users? yes, that is true. This is not because it was a superior gnutella client however, it was simply because their user base was huge, and moved over with them from FastTrack. And I
am worried about them leaving, many of them are disappointed that the 'new morpheus' isn't like the old one, and are leaving. They followed it, but only until they realized it wasn't FT, when many drifted over to Kazaa/Grokster or whatever.
No, files are not all that count. Oh wait, they are. Without them, any network is useless isn't it? Bearshare leaving would not mean there would be no files (I'm trying to preempt anyone who would want to take what I say and turn it into a ridiculous absolute) but it would mean less. I too want an improved protocol. BS may lag behind on features, but not as bad as some other clients. How come no one is calling for Phex to leave?
No one forces you to use Bearshare, least of all me. I dislike it. But I still do not see how it hurts people who don't use it.
Is files all that count? .... What do you think why Vinnie didnīt split from Gnutella? Because his net would have much less files than Gnutella!
Make up your mind :P
hordes who use it? Is that the one or the two people all together?
Very effective use of hyperbole..
http://download.com.com/3000-2166-10111457.html from where it's been downloaded 15
million times.
Anyway, to wrap this up, spend your considerable energy trying to get people to switch from BS to another client for their own good instead of agitating for BearShare to take it's users and go. Or use a portion of your considerable intellect to tell me how BearShare harms you, as someone who does not use it. Thank you.