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Old May 24th, 2002
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nDiScReEt nDiScReEt is offline
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Post Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: No such file or directory

Excuse me for my delay in replying as I was away for a few days. I understand what you mean about your program script being able to work with the previous LimeWire version 2.3 as I have the same situation. I didn't have problems until I tried the 2.4 version. The link that I had given you earlier is what works 100% in a bash shell. I noticed from your prior post that when you printed your output, it has a non-bash default character "%" instead of "$". That gave me an early indication that my suggestive link will not work for you. Two, yes, you will have to set the environment variables for java to work by command line. That explained the lengthy error messages. I am greatful that I am speaking to someone with considerable *nix experience at it makes my assitance all the more easier to give.

Originally posted by Unregistered
I'm the OP. Here are the answers to your troubleshooting questions... you can assume you're talking to someone with a reasonable amount of Unix experience.

czsh? That's a new one for me... I'm using tcsh.

I KEep discovering a new one every now and then but that was a typo. Thanks for catching that one. It should have been csh. These are all of the shells that I am aware of (at least on my system):rc,sh,ash,csh,ksh,zsh,bash,sash, . scsh,tcsh,teco,tclsh,and monito

Nothing special:

cd /usr/local/LimeWire
sh >& /dev/null &

This script is called /usr/bin/limewire.

NOw that I know what shell, next I will need to know your .tcshrc file. Because you will have to set your java home and such in that file. I think this will work, I should test it out before posting it here but I'm a little tied up with a lot of work at the moment. Put this in to your .tcshrc file:

setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/local/java/j2sdk1.3.1
set path = ( . $JAVA_HOME/bin, $HOME )

or try this one:

alias JAVA_HOME '/usr/local/java/j2sdk1.3.1/'
setpath = ( . $JAVA_HOME/bin, $HOME )

The tarball -- I already mentioned this.

SOrry, I had to make sure whom I was talking to as it is difficult when there are so many "Unregistered User" accounts commenting and replying to these forum posts.


THat is what I am using. I take you have mandrake as well (LM 8.2 as Cooker is using glibc-2.2.5).

I have /usr/bin/java, which is a symlink to the jre1.3.1 Java wrapper script.

THat is good and necessary.

I don't have this environment variable defined.

IT will need to be in order for the LimeWire 2.4 jar file or your custom script to work on your or any system. I finally downloaded the cvs of LimeWire and haven't yet looked through the source codes due to my absence for the past week. But I conjecture the reason for the change in how LimeWire 2.3 differs from LimeWire 2.4 is that a Developer had set the program to be as "generic" as possible to allow for easy portability to other platforms. This "generic" feature needs environment variables JAVA_HOME and path JAVA_HOME/bin to work correctly. I might do a diff between 2.3 and 2.4 to see exactly where the code effected the installationa and execution of the script.

Keep in mind that everything was working perfectly for me for LimeWire 2.3. In fact, I can still run 2.3 (which I have in a backup directory) without any problems. It's just 2.4 that won't run. Again, all file and directory names and permissions are unchanged from the previous installation.

Many thanks for any insights you may be able to offer.
Bad practice on my part but I incorporated them into the quote.



Last edited by nDiScReEt; May 24th, 2002 at 02:21 PM.
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