Requiries & searches For a couple weeks now I've noticed that most files i try to download become "Requiry sent, waiting XXXX for download", and permenantly stay that way. But lately I've found out that by running new searches SOME of these files start to download again........So basically my question is, What the hell is the point of the Requiry if it doesn't work?, if a download is dropped why doesn't it say sometime like "Download stopped, please re-search"....rather then giving you the false hope that i'll come back to life again, I remember that it once worked a while ago, but if I'm gunna have to babysit the computer and constantly re-search for those things i want, it isn't worth it. Also, why is it that the "force resume" no longer works for the "requiry sent" files?
Will this be something corrected in new version?? |