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  #43 (permalink)  
Old May 26th, 2002
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Default Vinnie is NOT a saint

Originally posted by Unregistered
It was a troll at work on and he responded in professional way.
That's not true in Vinnie's eyes: Kutulus (the name of your 'troll') was a Bearshare VIP and the biggest supporter for Bearshare. Of course he was a troll for anyone who did not surrender to the overwhelming power of Bearshare, but his trolling was supported and tolerated by Vinnie about a year.! At this specific post you are refering too, he was not a troll at all. Let's see what we can say about Vinnie's professional way...

Having seen Vinnie in action (been around a while), I'd say he was calm and honest (as he saw it).
LOL. Nice propaganda, but seriously, not even Vinnie would describe himself as calm and honest. He maybe everything: funny, a good boss, awesome programmer, perfect latin lover, but he's not calm, honest and laid back. Even on people making fun that a 16year old student would make a better PR job then Vinnie.

We are all connected to each other (at least at the moment), so best to remain at least civil. Swabby might even get a good idea or two!
Haha, nice quote. You didn't read this thread, it's about Vinnie is destroying the unity of Gnutella, seaking personal advantage and using others therfor. Badmouthing other devlopers, which he done indeed, is not the professional way to stay in contact which each other.

PS: I don't like your flaming, are you a Bearshare VIP in disguise, you sound like Sephiroth or another VIP?
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