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  #26 (permalink)  
Old May 26th, 2002
Zerics Zerics is offline
Join Date: May 26th, 2002
Posts: 5
Zerics is flying high
Default I aggree

I agree with you. Limewire is a very good program indeed. It has its good points. But then agian it has its bad points. I think we are exposing the bad points because everyone is left in the dark about alot of stuff. If the developers took an hour every couple of days to answer the importaint questions then things would be a little better. I think a brand new folder should be opened for the developers to post updates on the status of the programing, and also the aproximate time to complete. Also since we pro users pay for six months I think they can update the program more often and just add less features every time instead of trying to bundle them all in at one big upgrade. My 6 months is about to expire and I would like to get in one more update before it does. If I like it, I will buy it agian. Everyone has some great points though and it will just take time to sort through them.
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