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Old May 27th, 2002
Treatid Treatid is offline
Join Date: April 26th, 2002
Posts: 328
Treatid is flying high

In what way is it inconvenient?

There is a feature that allows the user to do make additional searches for download sources. You don't have to use it - LimeWire will perform searches for additional sources from time to time anyway - but if you want, you can manually search and any sources found will be added to your current download.

Stalled downloads are usually due to no available upload slots being available (or no machines sharing that file in your current search range). There's nothing wrong with the software in this respect. If a file has been stalled for a long time it probably means that you are trying to download a rare file or one that is extremely popular.

Stalled files will re-start from eventually with no user intervention (usually).

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