If, as you say, you have been around a while, perhaps you could use your long experience in attempting to post as registered. Many of us have been 'around for a while'. The real ones post as registered.
Sorry if this seems offensive to you, but you are in no position to complain as unregistered. [/B][/QUOTE]
Was I complaining? I'm glad
someone saw the irony in my post. (thank you Morgwen).
But I have to agree with Mamiyaotaru in this particular thread. Give me absolutes, and clear hard facts please. You don't
have to use Bearshare. There will always be a loyal few...and those are to the program, not Vinnie...I'm sure. Obviously, it works for them.
I stand by my statement that I did not see that particular comment as a flame to Gnucleus. Hell, It's Vinnie's board...he could have deleted the thread and gotton the same amount of grief he got by responding to it.
Guess I should not have referred to Kutulus as a "troll"? I've called him worse when he was thumping for Bearshare. I know his history. He (finally) lost his VIP status when he posted anti-Gay garbage on BS.net.....I believe that thread was deleted (as it should have been)
Vinnie could release all the bearshare code, swear off spyware forever, and write P2P in his spare time and people would still hate his guts.
sorry 'bout the comment of Swabby learning a few things - but, hey, you never know
I'm still as unreal as I was as "unregistered"...