I've found a solution to this annoying f***ing problem but it means I've given up bothering with Limewire altogether - it's a startup entry in the Registry for the 'topmoxie' bundled program. This should be a solution even if you keep Limewire I would have thought.
First a warning: It involves using the registry editor - be careful near your delete button as deleting a registry entry occurs without further warning. A full backup and creating a startup disc before doing any of this would be well advised.
Anyway ...
Uninstall Limewire and the Java Runtime Environment.
Follow the 'Trash Apps infesting your Registry' bit of the jolly excellent 'Trash App Exorcism Tutorial for Windows' page at
When you've found the 'Run' folder of your registry you'll find and entry for 'Etraffic' with path "C:\Program Files\topMoxie\JavaRun.exe" /cp

"C:\Program Files\topMoxie" com.ETraffic.ETProxy.ETMain2
This is the offending item. Select the entry and delete the little f***er with extreme prejudice [careful not to knock out any of your other startup entries!!]
Good luck