If it walks like spyware and talks like spyware... OnFlow, in their *own* privacy statement, admit their plug-in associates a unique ID for every user. DoubleClick has show how this can be used to identify you, and unlike cookies, this can't be turned off or cleared!
I won't even mention the SaveNow travesty. Common sense should tell anyone it *must* spy on your surfing to do what it does. How can it show you (ugh) pop-up ads for a competing websites unless it monitors where you're surfing too?
Sure they try and make like it's harmless and "no personal identifying" information is sent. This is simple bullsh*t! It doesn't need to "send" this info because the unique identifier alone can be used to associate you personally the first time you make a purchase at an affiliated site.
Last edited by SRL; May 30th, 2001 at 05:35 PM.