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Old June 3rd, 2002
GregorK GregorK is offline
Phex Developer
Join Date: May 8th, 2001
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Posts: 988
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on first startup of 0.7.x all columns are moved to the left and are somewhat unreadable. I tried to find a better solution for this but unfortunatly I was not able to make it work well. There where too many problems with different screen sizes and font sizes.

I decided to not integrate the new table behaivor to the search monitor columns because they are updating so fast that this would cause performance problems. But I will think about to save the state of the search monitor columns.

It is wanted behaivor that columns are not automatically stretched when enlarging the window (except for the search monitor). This would mean they are also narrowed when window size is reduced. The narrowing would screw your self configured size ratio between columns.
Personally I would not like this to happen...

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