Thread: Browzer
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Old June 3rd, 2002
Join Date: June 3rd, 2002
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 1
SKY_RIVERS is flying high
Talking Alt-arrow

Thanks for the reply. I forgot about the Alt Arrow keys you could use to direct your navigation. This is not a bad way to navigate and I do like the philosophy of XOLOX to keep things simple.! Some people say they want more features, (I love messing with things and have taught myself everything I know about computers and software, built many computers while learning cold fusion and so forth) but I like the fact that XOLOX runs good without one having to tinker with it and causing a situation were others are not able to download from them!

I don't mean to start a rant here.

Vinnie seems to have something out for XOLOX? I used Bearshare for a long time, started using it not to long after it first came out. In my opinion it was the best thing to happen to Gnutella at that time, I was able to get large files within a good timeframe. Then it started using spyware, or I became aware of it. This did not bother me too much because I just ran adaware and I was happy when we were finally able to opt out of it! The real problem I have with Bearshare is that many people configure it so others are not able to download from them. So you can find a lot with the search, but what good is it when over half the material you cannot connect to!!

So I came across XOLOX that provided more features! What I mean is that the features they did provide allowed me to download one file from many and be able to pick up were I left of after rebooting my computer. At the same time many others started using XOLOX and I was able to get the files I wanted because those on XOLOX did not block people from their files!!

So I would rather have a program that did what it was meant to do well, than a program that offered more features (couf, couf) without the reward. I am reminded of a friend that is always messing with their OS, hardware, and programs only to screw things up and most often blame a virus! What happens next is a call with a complaint about the OS, hardware, and most of the times a virus. It never occurs to them they have caused their own problems. So I have to listen to their ignorance, which is very amusing because they wont follow clear advise, and at the same time they are leaching off me (others) causing a wave of misleading information leading to a jam of communication.

I just want to get the files I need (want). So, what I need is a gnutella client that provides the most features that allow me to get what I need in the best timeframe and not a client that offered features that make me feel powerful, but allows all to share their files in a timely and smooth manner. A client that can do this is what I call feature packed! Know of one (couf, couf)!
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