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Old June 4th, 2002
Taliban Taliban is offline
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Join Date: March 13th, 2002
Location: Aachen
Posts: 832
Taliban is flying high

Originally posted by shorebreak
well this is partly true... HUGE should at least make resuming alot easier and fail-safer.. shouldn't it?!
people will always complain that they can't see the changes. well the heck with it even if you don't feel it this is a really worthy piece of software that's coming up...

it's still buggy though...
HUGE isn't used to make resuming fail-safer, yet. Current LimeWire cvs doesn't rely on hashes at all, however it sends the hashes of its files in its replies which could be called something like initial HUGE support. As for the rest, like alt. loc. support, the code is mostly there but it's yet unused.

The cvs-version works quite well at the moment. a few exceptions popping up every now and then, but nothing that really spoils the download experience.
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