Since you are using Mac OS 9.x I assume that you are using iTunes for your music.Do the following to solve your problem:
In iTunes preferences:Edit>Preferences>General tab
Here click the Change button next to the text Use iTunes for music files from the Internet(or something similar).
Now push the OK button and you are done
Now iTunes will start playing all your files that have been transferred to you from the Internet.But there is still one exception and that are mp3 files that are in raw data format such as files from Audiogalaxy them you have to manually put in iTunes library.File>Add to library then browse to the file in question.
Also you should trash LW preferences Macintosh HD>System Folder>Program preferences>.LimeWire folder inside that one there is file called limewire.props move that one to the trash.And then re start your computer.Now you have to re do all the settings that you had in LW.
Now everything should work normally.
Hope That I Have Helped You!
__________________ <img src="http://www.jordysworld.de/emoticons/blob16.gif">Sincerely Joakim Agren! |