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Old June 6th, 2002
Julie Z Julie Z is offline
Join Date: April 1st, 2002
Posts: 386
Julie Z is flying high

My specs again: Mac OS 9.1 128MB 10GB hard drive LimeWire 2.4.3 (downloaded a couple of weeks ago)

I see that LW is now eating up 108+MB of my memory. I have it set to 64MB. My OS uses 40+MB. That's only leaving me with less than 8MB, making LW run (when it runs) very slow. I thought this problem was fixed in the 2.4.x versions. When I TRY to run LimeWire now, it won't even load the main search page sometimes. The frame of the window is there and the pop-up to "upgrade to pro" shows, but then blank. If I click where "File" is supposed to be, it will appear and I can quit the program. But it sure makes it difficult to search for anything

Sometimes it will start up normally and after a few minutes it (computer) will start making noises (like it's working hard at something) and then if I click anywhere in LW such as to check connections or monitor and try to go back to search, the window will not reload. I can click on "File" (it will appear) and I can quit. But this sure is frustrating. I'm sorry to complain about something that I got for free, but if there is another fix out there that I'm not aware of... I did a search of the General Mac Support forums for "Eating Memory" and have read them and tried them all.

If Adam reads this, would it still be helpful to e-mail you my "err.txt" and "out.txt" files to review?

Thanks all.
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