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Old June 7th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Question Please explain...

What ports I can use to connect to Limewire. I would like to find another port to use when connecting to Limewire and would like to know which ports lime wire can use. I really dont know much about ports at all. I have a Mac and under preferences/advanced/ports I can change which port is used. I assume that the port number refers to the port I am using to "listen" for other LimeWire hosts...?

In case you are wondering, yes I have been blocked by my network admins and think they blocked certain ports. The tech said it was a simple fix and could be easy to get around if I knew how he did it. Blocking certain ports seems a logical guess.

I found a list of ports that is fairly long but the port Lime uses was not listed which leads me to believe that there may be a very large number of ports... ?

Do I also have to change the port number some where else in Limewire or on my computer to get it to work? The reason I ask is because there is a port number listed after the limewire.router in the "connections" list. Do the ports have to match?
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