Taking advantage of dynamic DNS services Hi,
here's another idea. I have been thinking about a way to make it easier to find "that one user" ;-) that has the file you are looking for.
First idea was having a user name. Problem here is, that you would need a central server to
a) ensure that each user name is unique
b) to keep a list of all users that are online
so basically the user name Idea does not make much sense. There is however, another possibility.
Organizations like dyndns.org offer free dynamic dns servers, i.e. your IP changes, but you can alway be reached under somename.dyndns.org.
Why not allow the user to enter this information in Xolox (preferrably in a non-plain text format ;-). This would allow for the following:
- I have a file that someone else wants. Either
a) the other user has a static hostname (that is mapped to a dynamic DNS). Once I go online, my Xolxo client contacts that user (directly, no server needed !) to let him know that I am online and the requested file is available again or
b) I have the static hostname and the other user's Xolox client tries to connect to my static hostname, so chances are he wil find me once I go online.
This would, of course, also work the other way around. I am not sure how complicated it would be to implement, but it would make completing downloads a lot easier and probably even help decrease the load on the Gnutella network.
I do see one problem: While I don't mind another Xolox client knowing my static hostname, it would s**k if someone working for the RIAA / MPAA could easily get it through Xolox.
What do you think about it ?
The queue guy ;-) |