Thank you for your offer to help, I appreciate it. What I'm looking for actually is to be able to have said files, like nrt1, nrt2, something simple like, "anime nrt1.jpg, anime nrt2.jpg" so people searching for anime pics for example could find them. I have thousands of well drawn pics for example that I would like to share with everyone but don't have the time to rename each one for appropriate hits, so I put them all under one subdirectory for my reference. I tend to be obssessed with having clean properly named files, it drives me crazy to see a file that says,
"nrt1-jpeganimepicmp3mpegmovavibritneyspears.jpg.jpg.jpg " for download, and its got a score of 20 so there are at least 20 people who can't be bothered to remove the paragraph long name spam. It might well be a pic I may appreciate but I wont download it due to the filename spam. I guess I'm looking for something a little cleaner and easier to download so I really know what I'm downloading.
Wolf |