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Old June 10th, 2002
jjupin jjupin is offline
Join Date: June 10th, 2002
Posts: 3
jjupin is flying high
Smile Memory allocation for java apps on Mac OS X

Actually, the previous poster was correct in setting the -mx -ms flags for setting the heap allocated for RAM for the JVM. The default is 32M (some default to 64M). Unix by nature will let a program grow, but the JVM only knows the amount of heap it's been given. Once it reaches that limit, it will start spitting out "OutOfMemory Exceptions"... So, it's best to set those flags higher (in increments of 32M)...

Oh, btw, adding memory to the JVM heap does increase performance - it's not swapping as much and has more room to store more objects. But, you need to see how much your system has - thus, if you have 512M TiBook, setting the java heap to 128M should be fine ... you get the idea... :-)

Now, as for when you double-click the icon, I don't know if the app will look to the script or not... If not, then you'll need to run the script when running Limiewire, rather than double-clicking on it's icon...


Last edited by jjupin; June 10th, 2002 at 11:24 AM.
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