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Old June 12th, 2002
jjupin jjupin is offline
Join Date: June 10th, 2002
Posts: 3
jjupin is flying high


I'm a little confused. I want to try this . . .when you talk about the JVM heap, are you talking about modyfying the or are you talking about modifying something else for overall Java performance?

-- end quote --

In java, when you run a program, you usually type something like:

%> java MyApp

This will then run in the standard JVM. To increase the memory (heap), you would do something like this:

%> java -mx 128M -ms 128M MyApp

In order to do this with the LimeWire app, you would need to modify the run script that it has. (the .sh) Thus, to modify this, I would "vi" into it and change the line to:

<b>java -mx128M -ms128M -jar RunLime.jar</b>

That should do it for ya! Give that a whirl!

peace. JOe...
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