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  #7 (permalink)  
Old June 13th, 2002
Treatid Treatid is offline
Join Date: April 26th, 2002
Posts: 328
Treatid is flying high

Check under Tools|Options|Saving

What is the directory listed in there? If no directory is listed then navigate to your shared directory and include it.

If your shared directory is included in both ...Saving and ...Sharing - then try hitting the refresh button with your shared directory selected under the Library tab.

If this doesn't work - then I'm at a loss (I've had no problem here - but I don't use the default share locations for LimeWire - I point to alternate locations during the installation).

You can set any directory (and any number of directories) to be shared. You shouldn't need to move your files - you just point LimeWire at the directory you want to share (Tools|Options|Shared).

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