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  #4 (permalink)  
Old June 14th, 2002
Adam Smith
Posts: n/a

I did limit search results to 4-star entries only, and I'm sharing files also. Even with just 4-star results though, I am getting instances of "Connecting to" I know right away that those downloads aren't going to happen!

It seems to me that the fix to the Requery problem would be for limewire to have an option to only show search results that have:

1. The file available
2. A free DL slot
3. Not a private LAN IP.

I understand that some people will want to see all the files available, so they can queue things to attempt DL overnight, but I'd like an option to only see what's really currently available for download--and I don't have any way of knowing if a queued download will ever happen. My biggest frustration with limewire is this "tease factor" of getting hundreds of search results, none of which I can successfully download from... It's a waste of my time.

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