Morpheus will drive me away! I have the same issue. possiblly Limewire will see this, the keyword is in the title.
I am very displeased with the productivity of my use of Limewire since I share not with fellow Limewire users now but Morpheus.
Limewire user shareing habits, leaving the switch off, are poor enough, I find Morpheous to be intolarable. I have picked so many files only to find out they are not available.
Hey, Limewire, what the hell are these files there for anyway. Change the system so we don't see files people are not sharing. I mean, what's the point. And if they are not sharing them, don't give them credit for it. There needs to be more insentive for people to share. And don't let then get away with specifing their windows directory. I'm tired of going through that waste pile. Delay there service a week if they do that, you can look for key files, give them a warning first. Their just cluttering up the shared files with junk.
I just can't find what I am looking for anymore. There just isn't the same quality or quantity of shared files by a long shot.
I just may have to start looking for a better P2P alternative.
I wonder, did they do this only to the unregistered group? |