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Old June 18th, 2002
cmcnulty cmcnulty is offline
Join Date: July 19th, 2001
Posts: 27
cmcnulty is flying high

The fact is that LimeWire and LimeWire Pro do all of the same things in exactly the same way when it comes to filesharing, but I knew that when I bought Pro, and I'm still glad I did. I bought Pro for one reason, because the people at LimeWire had the courage and forsight to release the source code to LimeWire. It shows that LimeWire truely believes in the network for which they are providing software.

This is in stark contrast to Morpheus which is temporarily piggy-backing on the Gnutella desperately trying to keep their userbase while they try to find the best way to eke every penny from their users in any and every way they can.

In short, buy LimeWire Pro because it's the right thing to do.

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