Hey, Dennis......
I feel sorry for the AudioGalaxy people, also.... But.......
You have to wonder why they failed to see what was inevitable.
They have a well established name, which is more important than just about anything, and they COULD have simply shut down and moved to Gnutella - With their name wrapped around Gnucleus (a la Morpheus), or some other similar option.
Instead, like the bunny in the road, they froze...... WHAMMO!
IMO, you have to be nuts to continue running a server-based system..... or really crazy about getting to talk with lawyers!

The important thing for Gnutella Network, I think, is to try to make a greater effort in helping the new
refugee users who are now coming in in even greater numbers.
Everyone needs to have a much clearer idea of how Gnutella Network 'works'... And especially that there is no big-daddy server in the sky! There are no 'servers' because we are ALL servers - but we are not really servers - Just a bunch of crazy people who are being assisted by clients (programs) to connect directly with one another.