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Old June 20th, 2002
Lurkah Lurkah is offline
Join Date: June 20th, 2002
Posts: 9
Lurkah is flying high

Originally posted by Taliban
LimeWire will introduce an enhanced blacklist/whitelist IP-filter in version 2.5 that enables the user to specify just a few hosts or subnets which will be the only ones allowed to connect to your node.
What I don't understand is that the localisation file for Limewire actually has the strings for the handshake settings. It says it's in the advanced tab, but it's not there. Plenty of other programs actually appear to have removed this functionality such as Toadnode.

blacklist/whitelist strikes me as not idea if they're ip based because some of the network members will be on dialup with dynamic addresses.

Originally posted by Unregistered
passwords and quotas sux! if you don't like filesharing then perhaps better go back to irc and ftp warez.
My god, what a tool you are. Did it occur to your feeble little mind that actually what we want to share is not warez and we do not want to have it shared with the world but the rest of the features of a P2P filesharing network with swarming are desirable.

No, didn't think so.

[i}Originally posted by ursula[/i]
It only takes a bit of discipline from all involved in the direct connections. First person to 'allow' others outside the private network blows it and all participants are then connected to the network at large.
Well exactly, it's a huge security risk. The protocol handshake feature (or rather the ability to change it) was in plenty of Gnutella clients before but now it appears to have been removed. This is what I refer to regarding decline in availability of those features in Gnutella clients.

It seems that most Gnutella client authors are of the same opinion and the feeble minded chap above, that the only reason you'd want to use this is to swap stuff which ought to be swapped with the world. I appreciate they want the Gnutella network to be busy but this is kind of irritating nevertheless.

We'd pay for the right client, even.

So it seems likely we'd just use opennap with user accounts instead, it's just that this doesn't offer swarming capability which is rather handy for broadband connections which don't have particularly fast upstream rates as is common in the UK.
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