Hi, Moe Szyslak......
Listen! Get it right!
It's "Good Times Roll" without the 'Let The...'
Got it?
I am not arguing with your comments...... In fact, I support them very strongly.
The documentation for the majority of clients is garbage.
Is that a clear enough position? These are my personal views, of course.
Never let the designer write the user manual.
They do not have the capability to ask the correct questions because they cannot imagine a user-base with a knowledge level below their own. And, if you cannot imagine how to ask the correct questions, you cannot write a user's manual for people who will be asking the questions!
Have a look at the link for a Gnucleus manual...... There is some info included which applies to all clients and it is quite useful.
I am currently assembling a series of links which will hopefully help many people in having a greater understanding of p2p, Gnutella Network, digital music and the many other sources of files available for sharing.
It is not complete yet, and I wish to also have it examined by the powers above me here before I release it.
btw, if you are looking for the occasional 'high horse' to mount, might I suggest a full frontal assault on the "default" settings included with most clients?
High Ho, Silver!
p.s. I promise to do my best to never end a sentence with a prepos¡tion at the end of.