Originally posted by iriegirl for what I do for a living, I need to have logs up |
Considering that you think that this kind of traffic is someone "hacking" (I can't stomach to put the "pinging/" in front of that, implying that a ping is a hack attempt is just idiotic) your computer, you are woefully unqualified to be responsible for any kind of network logging in the first place.
Originally posted by iriegirl <<sigh>> I just don't think that it is a decent thing for a person who has not solicited Gnutella to even have to deal with it.. |
You don't have to "deal" with it. If you're not running a gnutella client you are happily dropping the packets "dealing" with none of them. And ANY good firewall will give you the ability to drop this traffic without logging it (much as you can do with all the other random traffic floating around.)
Or you can just unplug from the net and quit bitching.
Originally posted by iriegirl ..this is a problem, if random IPs can be victimized. |
"Victimized"??? Noone's done you any wrong, get over it already.