You're welcome--glad I could help
As for Sherlock, you can probably reinstall it from the OS X disk---just do a custom install and install Sherlock only. However, I'm a little unclear on how you "deleted" Sherlock. Did you simply remove it from the Dock? Dragging the Sherlock Icon from the Dock does not the delete the program, it simply removed the alias from the Dock. You have to purposfully drag the Sherlock Icon from Applications to the Trash to delete it. So if you dragged it from the Dock only, you still have the program on your hard drive: just go to Home>>Applications and drag the Sherlock icon back to the Dock.
If you did Trash Sherlock from Applications, then you will need to reinstall it. Before trying an install from the OS X disk like I suggested, however, I would go to the OS X discussion groups on the Apple home page and ask for help there. Or, if you're still under warranty or have the Apple Care Protection Plan (worth every penny, let me tell you!) then call Apple's tech support for help.