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  #7 (permalink)  
Old June 22nd, 2002
Taliban Terminator
Posts: n/a
Default Here's the proof

A followup to my previous post. I just Removed the morpheus ultrapeers from my list of connections....this immediately causes the software to seek out new quickly connected to several LimeWire ultrapeers (versions 2.0.2 thru 2.4.4) and my Total Hosts quickly jumped from the 26-28 range under MorpheusOS ultrapeers to it's current reading at this very moment which is 531 and climbing....562......601.....642.....683....704... ..740.......761......825....still climbing....

You CANNOT argue with this. My suggestion is to monitor your connections and "Remove" them when you see MorpheusOS creep in I'm at 956.......oops, $hit, there's a Morpheus....ooops now we're at 800.....Remove....ahhh, now we're back at 1,107 hosts.

Please, please, LimeWire, add an option to deny's like an RIAA conspiracy or something... (now at 1,236 Total Hosts)
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